Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Butterfly Bryce Rubber Sheet

Feb 15, 2011 19:00:05

Butterfly Bryce Rubber Sheet

Butterfly Bryce Rubber Sheet : Feature
  • Speed: 12
  • Spin: 9.5
  • Density: 35
  • Color: Black
  • Reduces energy loss at the ball rebound as much as 18% compared to other rubbers

Butterfly Bryce Rubber Sheet : Overview
Powered by High Tension, which reduces energy loss at the ball rebound as much as 18% compared to other rubbers. As both rubber and sponge are flexible and highly resilient, they catch and absorb the oncoming ball and catapult it with your own added speed and spin. Used by the 2003 World Champion, Werner Schlager (AUT).

More Detail Butterfly Bryce Rubber SheetCompare Prices Butterfly Bryce Rubber Sheet

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