Sunday, February 13, 2011

Butterfly Catapult Hard Rubber Sheet

Feb 13, 2011 22:30:05

Butterfly Catapult Hard Rubber Sheet

Butterfly Catapult Hard Rubber Sheet : Feature
  • Speed: 11
  • Spin: 9
  • Density: 35
  • Color: Black
  • Catapult Hard has the same characteristics as Catuapult but with a harder sponge

Butterfly Catapult Hard Rubber Sheet : Overview
Because the molecules of caoutchouc add more tension and increase elasticity, it means more spin and speed. You achieve better control since both surface and sponge become much softer. Catapult contains very high tension in itself and is very soft. The sharp sound, heavy spin, and high speed are proof of the quality. Catapult your game into the next millennium.

More Detail Butterfly Catapult Hard Rubber SheetCompare Prices Butterfly Catapult Hard Rubber Sheet

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